*“Dear Mr. Xhao

I like your proposal and I think I am ready to start living life again.

As you may know, working day in and day out on building something like Motion, really takes a toll on family life.

In fact, I would be more than honored to have you steer Motion in the future. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with this responsibility. You’ve done it before, so you can do it again.

Thank you for considering this Mr. Xhao.

I will be in touch soon regarding the details of the acquisition

Again, thank you.

Best regards Alex”*

I told Charlotte the news and I’d never seen her eyes light up like that before. We both knew what this meant and when we went to tell the kids, they couldn’t really understand it. But they eventually would.

Charlotte got cancer a few years later, but luckily we were in a position to get the right treatment for her. We’re so thankful that we might the right choice at the right time. The kids are doing amazing too.

You’ve now completed the game!

Luckily, you made all the right choices to make sure Alex had success!

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