I bought the course right away and started studying. But it was like I couldn’t focus. We never saw my brother anymore. Every time we did see him, he didn’t look well. He was always tired, zoning out, angry and on edge.

One day he after he had been home shortly, Mom started again:

”Look at him Alex!”, she said frustrated, “He would’ve never become this way if you hadn’t done what you did to Kobe!”

<aside> 🔓 New Character Unlocked!


<aside> 👩🏽 Amanda Frederick | View Bio →


”It’s not my fault Mom, I’ve told you a thousand times!”, I responded. “He did drugs even before what happened to Kobe!”

”You’re a pathetic loser and you’re just as bad as your brother! GET OUT! LEAVE THIS HOUSE!

I rushed to my room and broke down in tears. I couldn’t believe it. I had no one left.

I chose to direct my angry energy towards my goal. I was going to teach them a lesson by succeeding!

The next day, my mom barged into my room and threw two bags at me telling me to get the fuck out of her house.

And there I was, on the streets, with nothing but my bags and a course on my glasses.

I was going to attend a Mastermind to get certified with an exam in the course, but before I could leave, I went to visit my brother and reconcile with him.

When I arrived, I saw his door slightly open and when I peeked inside, I saw him injecting a liquid into his arm. There was nothing left for me to do than give him the divine intervention I knew he needed:

<aside> 🏃‍♂️ Confront Finn →
